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Character Development


Character development is as much a part of our curriculum as the academic subjects, so much so that we describe it as the “Abbeyfield Learner”.

Good character is not formed in a week or a month.  It is created little by little, day by day.  Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character. (Heraclitus – Greek philosopher)

At Abbeyfield we believe strongly in supporting our students to become the best version of themselves.  ‘The Three Rs’ are three key characteristics that we encourage all Abbeyfield students to develop and demonstrate on a daily basis: Responsibility, Respect and Resilience.


The traits above, which have been identified as key qualities, are embedded across the school curriculum and ethos. The tutor programme, subject lessons and extra-curricular opportunities, such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award and our Sports Ambassador Programme, all reflect these qualities and encourage students to develop their character.

The Abbeyfield Learner programme ensures students have the relevant skills and attributes to be effective learners for their future aspirations.  Students are rewarded for demonstrating these key characteristics in all aspects of school life.

To view this programme please click below:

Our Character Development is supported further throughout our curriculum and the school community in our PSHE programme, our extra-curricular and enrichment offers, student leadership opportunities and the work we do with charities and the local community.


The Abbeyfield Learner Programme will enable you to experience a wide range of experiences and set you off on your journey as a life long learner!

The Abbeyfield Learner



Extra Curricular

Charity and Community

Student Leadership

British Values

Trips and Visits

Click here to see what our curriculum offers you!

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