Sixth Form
At Abbeyfield we are extremely proud of our Sixth Form Form offer. Our Sixth Form ambition to Inspire Excellence was reflected in our recent Ofsted inspect, which found that “In the Sixth Form, there are ambitious programmes of study tailored to students’ individual needs and aspirations” (2022). Our Summer 2022 and 2023 outcomes were very strong, and our students have been able to progress to their chosen post-18 destinations. This, we deem to be our utmost priority.
Our outcomes reflect a commitment to high quality teaching which means that students are able to make better than expected progress across their subjects. Our smaller than average class sizes allow for seminar style teaching, where students are able to spend more time with teachers to discuss work and understand what they need to do to make progress. Students are also supported through supervised study sessions to complete the independent working required to be successful in their Level 3 courses. More details on our programme of study are set out below.
Our excellent pastoral and careers guidance support students to be prepared for life after Abbeyfield, and we are able to provide an extensive range of leadership and enrichment opportunities to add value to post-18 applications.
To support student to be successful, we have a Learner Contract in place to set out our commitment to students, as well as our expectations in terms of attitudes to learning and attendance: Sixth Form Learner Contract
As a result, our Sixth Form students are able to access a wide range of post-18 pathways, including Oxbridge, other Russell Group universities, Degree Apprenticeships, Higher Apprenticeships, paid employment, or simply taking a gap year to travel before moving onto university or into a career.
If you are interested in joining our Sixth Form, please see the link below which will take you to our Sixth Form Open Evening information, which includes a link to our Application Form.
Sixth Form Programme of Study
To support students to make course choices which are both aspirational yet also achievable, we follow a pathways approach to selecting courses. The majority of student will study 3 x Level 3 courses, although those in Pathway 2 and Pathway 3 are also able to study an additional qualification in Year 12, and or 4 x Level 3 courses.
More information on courses available within each pathway can be found on our application pages.
Pathway 1:
For students with mostly Grade 4 profile.
Subjects available to these students are shown in red.
Recommended for students with mostly Grade 4 / Grade 5 profile.
Subjects available to these students are shown in red and blue, but please also check subject specific course requirements.
Recommended to include at least 2 x A-Level subjects, and either Core Maths or Skills for Work and Life.
Pathway 3:
Recommended for students with mostly Grade 6+ grade profile.
Subjects available to these students are shown in blue and black (red only on discussion), but please also check subject specific course requirements.
Recommended to study 3 x A-Level subjects, and either Core Maths, EPQ or Skills for Work and Life, but please also check subject specific course requirements.
4 x A-Levels, or 3 + 1 x AS Level (including Further Maths in conjunction with A-Level Maths only) are also available for Pathway 3 students on discussion.
Please download our Post 18 pathways booklet for support with dates around UCAS and other pathways post 18: Post 18 Booklet
If you would like to join our Sixth form, please visit this page for further information: Joining Sixth Form
Stepping up to Sixth Form
If you are currently in Year 11 and looking to join our Sixth Form please complete the stepping up work required to prepare you for your new courses in September 2024. They can all be found here: Stepping Up Work Summer 2024
Benjamin Clayton
The transfer from Year 11 was very well supported from lesson choices to how to manage the increased work load. What Abbeyfield is great for is its support for each and every student.
Peter Sloan
I have enjoyed every moment of studying at Abbeyfield Sixth Form. Abbeyfield Sixth Form offers many leadership opportunities as well as encouraging volunteering and supporting younger students. All lessons are enjoyable and high quality.
Georgiana West
I have really enjoyed Sixth Form so far. I always feel like there is the opportunity to be challenged in lessons. I have always felt there is support available when I need it. The whole school community is amazing and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved with extra curricular activities or even start a club of your own.
Karen Sadler
I have enjoyed studying at Abbeyfield Sixth Form. It's been great to study the subjects I am interested in. There have been a wide range of trips and events available, and all the teachers have always been really supportive throughout my time here.
Ella Jefferies
It has been great to take subjects further and build upon my existing knowledge whilst also learning new things. Study periods are also very beneficial to quickly work on revision or homework. We can also work together to understand common problems. Teachers are incredibly supportive and encourage you to ask for support whenever you need it.
Emily Brown
When starting Sixth Form I was nervous to step up to more challenging content but since learning my new subjects my teachers have supported and helped me. Specifically, this has been in the form of giving me knowledge organisers to support my revision topics before mocks and exams.
Chloe Kew
Sixth Form was a big step for me. It has been a challenge but really enjoyable. Being a member of the Sixth Form is a great experience, I feel more independent with the school compared to when I was younger. The teachers are very helpful and make the step up manageable.
Jessica Tanner
Since starting Sixth Form I have felt more comfortable beginning this new journey as I know the teachers and all of my friends. Everyone has been so supportive and I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else to further my studies.
Shyla Bartlett
Sixth Form has been an experience physically and mentally. I've been comfortable in all my lessons
and my confidence has improved with answering questions. I've had a smile on my face since day 1 which shows what Sixth Form is like.
Lottie Belcher
Sixth Form is a challenge but a very rewarding experience. It has allowed me to grow in confidence. My subject teachers have been incredibly supportive and have made me feel very prepared for my upcoming exams.
16-19 study programme
All students will study fulltime at Abbeyfield Sixth form and will follow a programme that has been designed to provide them with structured and challenging learning that supports their development and progression in line with their career plans. Study programmes are individually tailored and will typically combine the elements below:
Substantial qualifications that stretch students and prepare them for education at the next level or for employment.
An expectation to undertake work experience to give students the opportunity to develop their career choices and to apply their skills in real working conditions.
Other non-qualification activity to develop students’ character, broader skills, attitudes and confidence, and to support progression.